
10.13.18 - Gerard Schwarz Conducts Frost Symphony Orchestra - OUTTAKES by Shawn Clark

I have recently been more intensely drawn to the movement, intensity and performance of conductors, like Gerard Schwarz. The nature of being a conductor leans itself to capturing their arm movements as blurs within the photograph. But I have recently found myself focusing on the intensity of facial expressions and body movements of some of the recent conductors on the stage during Frost Live this year. Carl St. Clair and Gerard Schwarz are excellent examples of intensity of movement to the point where it is slightly challenging to freeze their motions.

As the conductor is almost never facing the audience, this part of the show is almost always lost of the symphony performers who are focusing on playing.

Trombonist, Tim Connor by Shawn Clark

Tim Connor is a trombonist and professor at the Frost School of Music (BIO). He performs with several South Florida orchestras but I usually catch him performing at the Frost School of Music. This performance was during, “Children’s Dreams and Inspirations—Frost Wind Ensemble “ on 09.23.2018.